
This section assumes you are familiar with the basic terminology involved in parsing Context Free grammars.

Defining a Grammar

A grammar is stored as a collection of ParseRule objects inside a ParseRuleSet. Each ParseRule is a single production from a “head” (symbol named by string), to a list of Symbol objects. Multiple ParseRule objects with the same head define alternative productions.

For example, the following Backus-Naur notated grammar:

<sentence> ::= <noun> <verb> <noun>
<noun> ::= "man" | "dog"
<verb> ::= "bites"

Would be expressed:

from axaxaxas import ParseRule, ParseRuleSet, Terminal as T, NonTerminal as NT

grammar = ParseRuleSet()
grammar.add(ParseRule("sentence", [NT("noun"), NT("verb"), NT("noun")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("noun", [T("man")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("noun", [T("dog")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("verb", [T("bites")]))

Invoking the parser

Having defined our grammar, we can attempt to parse it. Parsing operates on an iterator of token objects, There is no lexer included. In the example above we have assumed that the tokens are Python strings, but they can be anything. Often a formal lexer is not needed - we can use string.split to produce lists of strings.

The parser is invoked with the parse function:

from axaxaxas import parse
parse_forest = parse(grammar, "sentence", "man bites dog".split())

# (sentence: (noun: 'man') (verb: 'bites') (noun: 'dog'))

Parse results

parse returns a ParseForest that contains a collection of ParseTree objects. By calling single() we check that there is exactly one possible parse tree, and return it. See Handling Ambiguity for more details.

ParseTree objects themselves are a fairly straightforward representation. ParseTree.rule contains the ParseRule used to match the tokens, and ParseTree.children contains a value for each symbol of the rule, where the value is the token matched for terminals, or another ParseTree for nonterminals.

Optional, Star and Plus

Any Symbol can be declared with optional=True to make it nullable - it must occur zero or one times. Similarly, star=True allows any number of occurences, min zero, and plus=True allows any number of occurences, min one. In the resulting parse tree, skipped optional symbols are represented with None. star and plus elements become tuples:

grammar.add(ParseRule("relative", [T("step", optional=True), T("sister")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("relative", [T("great", star=True), T("grandfather")]))

print(parse(grammar, "relative", "sister".split()).single())
# (relative: None 'sister')

print(parse(grammar, "relative", "step sister".split()).single())
# (relative: 'step' 'sister')

print(parse(grammar, "relative", "grandfather".split()).single())
# (relative: () 'grandfather')

print(parse(grammar, "relative", "great great grandfather".split()).single())
# (relative: ('great', 'great') 'grandfather')

Greedy Symbols

Like in a regular expression, you can mark parts of the grammar as greedy or lazy. In case of ambiguity the parser will preferentially prefer the parse tree with the more (or fewer) number of occurrences. lazy and greedy can only be used in combination with optional, plus or star:

grammar.add(ParseRule("described relative", [NT("adjective", star=True), NT("relative")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("adjective", [T("awesome")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("adjective", [T("great")]))

print(parse(grammar, "described relative", "great grandfather".split()).single())
# -- raises AmbiguousParseError

grammar.add(ParseRule("described relative 2", [NT("adjective", star=True, greedy=True), NT("relative")]))

print(parse(grammar, "described relative 2", "great grandfather".split()).single())
# (described relative 2: ((adjective: 'great'),) (relative: () 'grandfather'))

Greediness only trims ambiguous possibilities, so will never cause a sentence fail to parse.

It only affects choices the parser makes when reading from left to right, which means you will still get ambiguity if the leftmost symbol isn’t marked.

For non-terminals, settings prefer_early and prefer_late work analogously. They instruct the parser that if there are several possible productions that could be used for a given symbol, to prefer the first (or last) one in order of definition in the grammar:

grammar.add(ParseRule("dinner order", [T("I"), T("want"), NT("item", prefer_early=True)]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("item", [T("ham")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("item", [T("eggs")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("item", [T("ham"), T("and"), T("eggs")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("item", [NT("item", prefer_early=True), T("and"), NT("item", prefer_early=True)]))

print(parse(grammar, "dinner order", "I want eggs and ham".split()).single())
# (dinner order: 'I' 'want' (item: (item: 'eggs') 'and' (item: 'ham')))

print(parse(grammar, "dinner order", "I want ham and eggs".split()).single())
# (dinner order: 'I' 'want' (item: 'ham' 'and' 'eggs'))


As mentioned above, greedy and related settings only trim ambiguity when the two options have so far parsed identically.

In some circumstances, you wish to avoid a particular rule, no matter how different the alternatives are. You can associate a penalty with each rule. The parser sums up all the penalties associated with a given parse, and choose only possibly parses with the lowest sum. This can have wide ranging effects on eliminating ambiguity. Penalties can be viewed as very lightweight support for probabilistic parsing:

grammar.add(ParseRule("sentence", [NT("noun"), T("like"), T("a"), NT("noun")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("sentence", [NT("noun"), T("flies"), T("like"), T("a"), NT("noun")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("noun", [T("fruit"), T("flies")], penalty=1))
grammar.add(ParseRule("noun", [T("fruit")]))
grammar.add(ParseRule("noun", [T("banana")]))

print(parse(grammar, "sentence", "fruit flies like a banana".split()).single())
# (sentence: (noun: 'fruit') 'flies' 'like' 'a' (noun: 'banana'))

In the example above the parser chose to avoid the other possible parse (sentence: (noun: 'fruit' 'flies') 'like' 'a' (noun: 'banana')) because it contains a rule with a penalty.

Penalties can be considered an experimental feature. Most of the time, you can just add more greedy settings to get the desired effect.